The Student Oncology Interest Group (SOIG) is a student-based interest group from Aga Khan University.

Mission Statement

Encourage students to explore their interest in the field of oncology and allow them adequate exposure to oncology, including latest research and changing trends in the practice and understanding of oncology; provide students with a platform to begin a career in oncology by engaging in research and connecting with experts in the field of oncology; and help create awareness about the prevention and detection of cancer among the community.


  • Allow students to explore their interest in oncology in order to make a better-informed decision about going into oncology as their field of specialization
  • Allow students exposure to palliative care
  • Develop a platform that connects students with the oncology faculty in order to facilitate mentorship.
  • Provide opportunities for students to initiate and work on research projects under faculty guidance.
  • Organize and engage in fundraising/philanthropic activities e.g. health awareness camps in schools.
  • Collaborate with other interest groups and arrange discussions and talks by faculty who have expertise in dealing with cancers in those fields – e.g. Gynecological Oncology, Head and Neck Cancers, Surgical oncology etc.

Our Work

Our work spans across a diverse portfolio ranging from philanthropy, community outreach, journal clubs and mentorship.

Our Faculty Mentors

Dr Adnan Jabbar, Associate Professor and Section Head, Medical Oncology, AKUH
Dr Munira Moosajee, Consultant Haematologist and Oncologist, AKUH

Meet the Team

Core TeamFocal person(s)Class
FounderDr Areeba Makhdoom2019
FounderDr Asad Maqbool2019
PresidentTaleaa Masroor2020
General SecretaryTalha Waheed2021
Core Members:
Abdullah Javed (2022)Areeb Lutfi (2022)Arsalan Siddiqui (2022)
Daniyaal Ahmad (2021)Fatima Gauhar (2022)Hassan Raja (2022)
Humza Thobani (2022)Masooma Rana (2022)

Along with the above, SOIG is helped in its mission by a very hard-working and abled General Body which spans all classes.