Society for Promoting Innovation in Education

Society for Promoting Innovation in Education (SPIE) is a student-run organization, founded in 2017 with the objective of promoting a culture of innovative learning and teaching. The aim of SPIE has been to bridge multidisciplinary and multi-generational divides to revolutionize the educational practices.

Education Wing: Responsible for making the CIME more accessible to students and encouraging peer-to-peer learning. Examples of its responsibilities include coordinating and setting up self-learning sessions, as well as identifying interested faculty and students who can provide skills training and knowledge to those who are interested. If the innovator within you wants to bring about a change in the existing system of teaching and learning, contact Anam Noor Ehsan at

Community Wing: Dedicated to improving health awareness in the community using simulation tools. The wing is focused on designing and carrying out its own awareness programs for the community, based on necessity and importance. It aims to target all the members of society, ranging from kids still in school all the way up to working professionals. If the social worker within you would like to positively impact the community in new and innovative ways, contact Muhammad Ali at

Research & Development Wing: This wing is centered around developing research skills from the basics to the advanced. It is involved in setting up workshops focused around skills development. Another component of its mandate is to produce research initiatives and publications to study the impact of simulation based teaching on existing practices in order to boost learning outcomes. If the researcher within you is ready to take a deep dive into simulation whilst improving your skill set, contact Huma Shoukat Ali and Russell Seth Martins at

SPIE Socials and Marketing: We relay information about the work and projects of all Wings within SPIE through social media campaigns. We design and implement marketing strategies for SPIE and are the major source of content production for the Society. While assisting and advertising other Wings with their work, SPIE Socials is running several independent projects pertaining to helping curriculum offices within AKUH, and student-interaction opportunities/competitions/ambassador programs for pre-bachelors students around Pakistan. SPIE Socials is the only society in AKU focusing on training students in appropriate software and hardware use for video/photo editing, photography/videography and social media campaign strategy-building. We are also a platform for philanthropic outreach for community-based projects throughout the country, including the current COVID-19 pandemic. To be a part of our team, contact Fatima Shafiq at

Contact Information

Core GroupFocal person(s)Email address
PresidentMuhammad Ibrahim Habib (2020)
TreasurerKaleem Ahmed (2020)
WingFocal person(s)Email address
Education WingAnam Noor Ehsan (2020)
Community WingMuhammad Ali (2020)
Research & Development WingHuma Shoukat Ali (2020)
Russell Seth Martins (2021)
SPIE Socials and MarketingFatima Shafiq (2020)
Hasan Raza Abidi (2021)