SOIG has had a number of talks with esteemed faculty such as Dr Irfan Vaziri [MBBS ’90], Dr Atif Waqar, Dr Ather Enam, Dr Farooq Shahzad, and Dr Hira Latif [MBBS ’11], on a wide variety of topics—from palliative care to plastic oncological reconstruction, we are committed to showcase the diversity of the field of oncology.

Our Faculty Meet and Greet event was also extremely successful, and students had a chance to interact with faculty in a small group setting and have a candid conversation about their respective fields. Many esteemed faculty were present, including the Oncology Department’s Chair: Dr Zehra Fadoo [MBBS ’91]; Service line Chief: Dr Irfan Vaziri; and Section Head: Dr Adnan Jabbar. Other consultants of Medical Oncology, Radiation Oncology, Pediatric Oncology and Palliative Care were also in attendance.

We strive for creating an environment that cultivates a passion for the field of oncology, an interest in research, and an awareness of cancer prevention. You can find the recordings of our online talks below.

“The Role of MicroRNA in Tumor Invasion” with Dr Ather Enam

SOIG, in collaboration with SRF and NSIG, hosted its first online inter-organizational journal club with AKU’s Chair of Surgery, Dr Ather Enam. This session featured an overlap of fields, with Dr. Enam discussed the role of microRNA in tumor invasion, as well as Neurosurgery. Dr Kiran Iqbal and Dr Nouman Mughal also joined and gave their perspectives on the topic.

Dr Enam informed us that Pakistan has the highest number of patients per oncologist in South Asia. The need for oncology health services grows daily and we need to support national efforts in improving access to quality cancer care, especially during a pandemic when these populations can be neglected. The papers that were covered in the journal club can be accessed here. (Recorded: May 15, 2020)

“Cut it Out!: Breaking Down Surgical Residencies” with Dr Farooq Shahzad [MBBS ’01]

SOIG, in collaboration with SRF, organized a session hosted by Dr Farooq Shahzad [MBBS ’01] (Assistant Professor at Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, Weill Medical College of Cornell University, New York), from the class of 2001, who shared his own journey through med school and professional years. He walked us through the various stages of planning for reconstructive surgery and shared with us some of his fascinating work in oncologic reconstruction. We were later joined by Dr Abbas Ali [MBBS ’01] – a Medical Oncologist at Johns Hopkins, Baltimore – who tuned in to share valuable advice on what it means to pursue a career in oncology.

Oncologic Reconstruction is an important arm of comprehensive cancer care, necessary to ensure a better quality of life for cancer patients undergoing oncologic resection. With Pakistan having the highest rates of head and neck cancer, and Karachi being the city with the highest saturation of cases, reconstructive surgery is a crucial element to rehabilitating cancer patients with visible and functionally impairing defects. (Recorded: May 30, 2020)

“Mentorship Talk: Breaking Down Heme/Onc” with Dr Hira Latif [MBBS ’11]

Dr. Hira Latif (Assistant Professor of Hematology at the University of Maryland) from the class of 2011, conducted a mentorship session on pursuing a career in Heme/Onc. It is a challenging time for us medical students trying to navigate through our aspirations of a medical career. Dr. Hira was not only extremely forthcoming but also touched upon pertinent aspects of how to make the most of our medical school years, succinctly laying out factors for us to consider moving forward—such as finding a mentor, sponsor, and research. Students enjoyed the interactive session immensely, and there was great positive feedback from their part. Resources for the talk can be accessed here. (Recorded: June 19, 2020)

Our year in pictures