Muhammad Ali | SIG Convener

Surgery once considered to be a  luxury is now regarded as a necessity with increasing demand every day. As of today, there is a need of 2.2 million more surgeons and anesthetists in order to fulfill global demand. A  surgeon in today’s world, therefore, works towards a mission of making timely, affordable, and quality surgical care possible. It is, therefore, imperative that young aspiring surgeons are exposed to the right opportunities at the right time. Surgery Interest Group (SIG) serves this very purpose by utilizing the resources available to the students and leveraging them to structure workshops,  talks, surgical camps, and a host of other activities while serving as a   platform connecting Faculty,  Residents, Alumni, and students.​​

​Since its inception 3 years ago the group has established itself within AKU and has enabled numerous aspiring surgeons studying at AKU to pursue their dream career. With the introduction of a new structure, the group is ready to take on new challenges. The group now ​has five departments including Education & Skills Development, Alumni Outreach, Research,  Admin & Finance, and Media & Publications, working in close coordination to bring about a greater volume of outcome in the shape of added opportunities for students without compromising on the quality. Surgery is a small community and it is imperative that we grow in Synergy instead of Silos. This year ​we have taken the initiative of joining hands with students and surgery-related groups working in other medical colleges across the country and internationally in an effort to share opportunities for the mutual benefit of all aspiring surgeons. Together we will make the impossible possible, In Sha Allah!​​