Welcome to Pediatrics for Life! We are an AKU based student interest group that brings together all budding Pediatricians.

Deciding a speciality can be a very daunting decision for medical students. PFL is here to help students realise their passion for the field of Pediatrics. This includes providing resources, exposure, and mentorship one needs in order to make the right decision for their future paths. Our members work in association with the Children’s Hospital at AKU on various volunteering and research projects.

Mission Statement

To inculcate in medical students, as a fundamental belief, that all children of the world are deserving of individual love, care, and security in all forms. And to inculcate and foster an appreciation of, and interest in Pediatrics amongst the student body of Aga Khan University Medical College (AKUMC) and to provide opportunities for meaningful fulfilment of this interest.

Our Objectives

  • To engage and represent the AKUMC student body as active and contributing members to The Children’s Hospital
  • To provide medical students with a substantially adequate exposure to the field of Pediatrics throughout their five years at AKUMC, in order to make an informed career decision and benefit from the wisdom of the young
  • To assist students who intend to pursue Pediatrics with the right guidance, opportunity and networking
  • To forge a long-lasting mutual engagement between the faculty of Pediatrics and students of AKUMC to work together for the betterment of child healthcare
Core Team: 2019-20Focal person(s)Class
PresidentAsna Sulaiman2020
Vice PresidentHuzaifa Zafar2020
Philanthropy & Volunteer Work
We are responsible for providing volunteer opportunities to students throughout the academic year. All funds raised from an event are donated to the Children’s Hospital, AKUH, and we work closely with the Department of Pediatrics to improve child life for in-patient pediatric patients by holding ward activities for example.
DirectorAnam Noor Ehsan 2020
Co-directorsMaheen Sheikh
Hiba Mobin
We maintain and update a database of faculty in Pediatrics Department with ongoing research projects that may require student input. We also serve as the primary point of contact for students interested in doing research, and will help find suitable projects to work on. We also engage with the Pediatrics Department for involvement in the annual Pediatrics Research Day.
DirectorQuratulain Maha2021
Co-directorZehra Naseem2021
Professional Development & Alumni Outreach
We serve as the primary point of contact for students interested in connecting with faculty for career guidance or other purposes or needing help with electives in Pediatrics. We work closely work with the AKU Alumni Office, to identify and engage alumni who want to work towards the PFL mission and arrange talks to help students interact with graduates.
DirectorZainab Bhuriwala2020
Co-dorectorSharmeen Kamran2021
Media and Publishing
Along with disseminating information and marketing events, we’re responsible for creating and maintaining an active social media presence amongst AKU students, Department of Pediatrics and our Pediatrics Alumni. We also work on publishing a semi-annual newsletter for PFL.
DirectorSarim Dawar2021
Co-directorFatima Farrukh2021
We are responsible for managing logistics of PFL meetings and events, and overseeing our internal and external events and ensuring proper execution of our fundraising events.
DirectorHussain Raza2021
Co-directorAmrah Hashmi2021
Core Members: 2019-20
Bisma Badr (2021)Syed Faisal Nadeem (2022)Waiz Kamran (2022)
Areeb Lutfi (2022)Hamayail Ansari (022)Huzaifa Rashid (2022)
Areesh Bhatti (2022)Omaima Anis Bhatti (2022)Ayesha Niaz Shaikh (2022)
Alizah Hashmi (2023)Rabab Jafry (2023)Fatima Mughis (2023)
Aiza Abbas (2023)Areesha Ahmer (2024)Rafai Babar (2024)