Research and Innovation Wing
Director, NeurologySubhan Khan2020
Director, NeurosurgeryDaniyal Aziz Khan2021

The research and innovation wing of NSIG works on bridging the communication between faculty and students to provide ample research opportunities to interested students. This branch also aims to help students establish lifelong research mentorships, that will help them in further pursuing their careers.

Neuroscience Interest Group has an extensive research database available, with AKU alumni and non-alumni. Faculty from various departments of neurosciences both nationally and internationally, are onboard to facilitate these research projects for students. There are many research projects currently going on, by faculty of neurosurgery and neurology, addressing some of the major less-understood chapters of neurosciences. These projects are also made available for the NSIG General body members to be a part of.

NSIG research and innovation wing seeks to provide research mentorship and guide members toward publishing high quality articles in some of the best journals around the world.