Media Team
DirectorAmin Abbasi2020

The media team is responsible for marketing the events and talks hosted by the society, through various social media platforms, so that it can reach not only AKU students but students all across Pakistan. It also works to maintain active social media platforms, for easy accessibility of all news from the Neurosciences interest group. Members under this wing create engaging and informative posts for the viewing community, and keep it’s audience updated with latest neurological advances.

NSIG activities can be followed on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

Along with this, the NSIG Media team also aims to educate and inform the masses about various neurological conditions, advances in neurosciences, and the latest cutting edge technology brilliant neuroscientists across the world are working on. These awareness projects comprise social media posts and educational videos.

NSIG is proud to present its latest initiative!! We are bringing you a series of Informative videos, that will discuss the common Neurological diseases, that have affected people widespread throughout the world, in order to provide more awareness to the masses about them.

These educational videos aim not only to help our viewers understand the nature of the diseases and its complexities, but also aim to help the common man suffering from these diseases, understand how they can live a full life, despite enduring these diseases.

The Global Day of ALS, commonly known as Lou Gehrig’s Disease, is celebrated on 21 June every year, in recognition of the neurodegenerative disease that affects thousands of people in every country across the globe. The NSIG Media team prepared an educational video to enlighten its audience about the disease and all it curtails.

ALS Awareness Video