Falah is a student-run social welfare organization, founded in 1994 and officially registered with the Sindh Government as a non-profit organization in 2004. Falah aims to help non-affording patients and the larger AKU community.

Falah Bloodline

Blood saves lives. An essential treatment in various conditions, ranging from thalassemia major to trauma, blood products often run short in low-middle-income countries, leaving patients scrambling. That’s where Falah Bloodline steps in. With a database of over 500 willing donors, including students, staff, faculty and the general public, we connect donors to patients in need, and guide them through the blood donation process. We often help patients with urgent need for blood and those from out of the city who cannot arrange blood for themselves. Our efforts don’t stop there. We also strive to educate the public and eradicate misconceptions about blood donation, conduct donor recruitment drives to expand our database, and coordinate with AKU to hold blood drives. Together with our donors, we at Falah Bloodline work towards a Pakistan where no patient dies due to the lack of blood products.

Falah Mohsin Abro

Falah’s Mohsin Abro branch utilizes the funds raised by the Finance Wing to subsidize the cost of medicines and investigations for patients in need. Our office is exclusively run by a team of dedicated, compassionate and hardworking medical students. We have established a thorough evaluation process which assesses the financial status of the patients who visit our office and aim to help all those in need to the best of our abilities. Newly inducted students are taken through an orientation process where they are taught how to run the office, understand the database, evaluate the patients and efficiently subsidize the overall expenses on a prescription. Over time, our student volunteers have realized the importance of the work they do, with many of them staying back well after office hours in order to ensure that all patients catered to. 2019 has been our busiest year yet, with Rs 1,581,532 spent in the way of charity through over 1523 patient visits.

Falah Finance

The Falah Finance wing is responsible for generating funds that the Mohsin Abro department uses to help patients with medicines and investigations. The finance wing hosts multiple major fundraising events, including the annual Falah Bonfire, annual Falah Carnival, and bake sales. These events are open to students, staff, faculty, and sometimes even families. In addition to these major events, Falah Finance runs fund collection drives throughout the year, like the Employee Enrollment Drive and Student Fund Drive for which employees and students commit to donating a certain amount of money every month to Falah. These events and drives are organized and run by the talented and hardworking members of Falah Finance, who work in different departments such as marketing, decor, and food. This allows for efficient and consistent fundraising all year long and allows us to help our patients as much as possible.

Falah Team

WingFocal personClass
PresidentMuhammad Bin Hammad2023
Vice PresidentMomina Faisal2023
BloodlineNamrah Aziz (Head)
Aiman Sultan
Hafsa Khan Tareen
Mohsin AbroAmna Rashid Hanfee (Head)
Hamna Ganny
Shahnoor Ahmed
FinanceEmaan Farhan (Head)
Maham Jaskani
Wahab Fazal
TreasurerMuzamil Hussain (Head)
Umar Tariq
OutreachAiza Abbas (Head)
Laeba Hussain Khan
Abbas Kazmi

Previous leadership teams: