The Alumni Outreach Department provides a platform for the students to engage and connect with our honorable alumni. The contribution from our Alumni has been invaluable and instrumental in laying the foundation of this platform; the spirit of “Giving Back” is instilled in minds of students when they are able to connect with our prestigious Alumni through this channel.

SIG’s Alumni Outreach Department has worked in a very systematic way to strengthen this bond between the alumni and the alma mater. From online email writing workshops to SIG talks, from creating a database that will assist students to reach alumni to working on online workshops, the alumni outreach department is determined to take this spirit of “Giving Back” one step ahead.

Our plan is to provide mentorship to each and every future doctor with the continuous support from our AKU family and bridge this huge gap of distance through back and forth communication with our graduates. We are keen to recruit new members to join us in this endeavor; we are open to suggestions and new ideas that will help students in the near future and generations to come.


  • Bridge the gap between the alumni and students by organizing workshops and talks
  • One-on-One mentorship for students
  • Designing a platform for students through which they can connect with our alumni by tapping into our database
  • Back and forth communication between alumni and students to keep the student body updated of recent achievements and researches of the global AKU family

Our Talks

​​Can I Get A Competitive Residency:

“Can I get a competitive residency?” is a question most medical students ask themselves at least once during their medical school tenure. This Saturday three strong female figures, Dr. Mir, Dr. Janjua, and Dr. Quddusi came together to answer this very question. The advice they gave is invaluable and timeless. It allowed a glimpse into their own lives and helped solidify the belief that persistence, hard work, and a strong sense of self are imperative in achieving goals. Though academics are important, these role models also touched upon personal life, work-life balance, and dealing with stress in a healthy way such that it is conducive for mental well-being. A well-rounded session, it helped to bring together and compile all the essential information required to excel in respective medical subspecialties. Geared towards giving guidance about competitive residency programs, this talk served as an important reminder that though the path may be daunting, the goals are still very much achievable.

Research- A Bridge To Residency:

On July 18, 2020, our panelists comprising of AKU Alumni who successfully matched into surgical residences both abroad and at home shed light on the overall process from medical school to residency programs and beyond. Our panelists also addressed individual queries brought to the table by participants in the Q/A session.

Life As A Surgical Resident; Dr. Yasir Rasheed:

On July 11, 2020, SIG held “Life as a Surgical Resident” to shed some light on the surgical residency and to answer some of the toughest questions students had. Over two hours, panelists from Pakistan, Australia, the United Kingdom, and the United States talked about a day in the life of a surgical resident, the various challenges it holds, and the work-life balance. Students got a clear picture of and were encouraged to pursue their passion.

​​​Life In A Rut- Graduated And Pandemic Hit; Dr. Syed Arish Haider:

Full of examples from his own life, Dr. Arish talked about his medical school journey, his internship experience, and his work as a junior doctor. This talk helped students think about the side of medicine that is often not given due importance: being a good person. Students left that session thinking back to the reasons they gave for wanting to become doctors in their medical school interview, such as, ‘it’s a noble profession’. Dr. Arish’s words say it best, ‘you need to bring nobility into the profession’.

He also talked about his plans for future training, and how the skills he acquired over the last year helped shape his residency interviews and how his work made his CV unique. Don’t get trapped in the bubble of competition, he warned students. Similarly, he talked about mental health, how one can care for their own health, and how one can care for others’ well-being. After his insightful talk, he answered a number of questions about internships, finding volunteer-friendly NGOs, and helping those around us.​

CV Writing Workshop:

Another Saturday, another feat accomplished! The Surgery Interest Group (SIG) hosted an interactive talk by Dr. Mustafa Iftikhar, graduate of the Class of 2016, titled ‘CV writing Workshop’, allowing 600+ medical students and graduates across Pakistan to learn how to build CV from scratch. The workshop was a much-needed guide on this challenging part of the residency application. But that’s not all, Dr. Mustafa also enlightened us with his wisdom, giving tips and tricks on a number of topics, from medical school to personal statements, in an hour-long question-and-answer session. Students who attended the workshop didn’t just gain confidence in building their CV, they got a renewed motivation to achieve their dreams.

​​A Career in Cardiothoracic Surgery; Dr. Ghulam Abbas​

The Surgery Interest Group (SIG) conducted an interactive session with Dr. Ghulam Abbas (MBBS ‘94). Dr. Abbas is an American Board-Certified cardiothoracic surgeon working at West Virginia University Hospitals, internationally recognized for robotic lung-sparing surgery for lung cancer and minimally invasive esophagectomy for esophageal cancer. In the spirit of giving back, he came by to mentor medical students interested in a career in Cardiothoracic Surgery.​

Email Writing Workshop​

Surgery Interest Group conducted their first-ever “Email Writing Workshop” with Dr. Shahyan Bakhtiyar (MBBS ‘16) on Friday, December 13, 2019. Dr Bakhtiyar is a preliminary match for surgery at Johns Hopkins University. He did Clinical Outcomes Research at Baylor College of Medicine and Masters in Bioengineering from Rice University. The workshop focused on skill development and etiquette of email writing for electives and post-doctoral positions. The session was attended by several students from the student body who praised the effectiveness and relevance of the session.

Residency in the UK; Dr. Syed Arish Haider​​

SIG conducted an interactive session with Dr. S. Arish Haider (MBBS ‘18, SIG Convener 2017-18), who talked about career options in the UK for future aspiring surgeons. He went through the application process and residency program structure in the UK and also shared the reasons why he chose the UK path. The talk was followed by a Q&A session.​​

Robotics in Surgical Oncology: Dr. Faiz Bhora​

Dr. Faiz Bhora (MBBS ‘92) is no stranger to the AKU community; he is always coming back and engaging with students in different talks. Recently he collaborated with the Surgery Interest Group to talk about the present and future of robotic surgery, especially it’s application in surgical oncology, a field that interests many of our aspiring surgeons. ​

The audience, ranging from first-years to alumni, got to learn from him about the latest developments in Robotic Surgery and Minimally Invasive Thoracic Surgery. This was followed by a Q&A session and an engaging discussion with the young surgery enthusiasts.

Pursuing a Career in Neurosurgery: Dr.​ Asif Bashir and Dr. Farhan Mirza​​

SIG collaborated with the Neuroscience Interest Group to organize two events for everyone with an interest in Neurosurgery. Dr. Farhan Mirza (MBBS ‘11) and Dr. Asif Bashir joined us for interactive sessions to talk what about a career in neurosurgery entails and to demystify a very challenging but rewarding career path.​